
Solutions CAE's clients prefer agreements that engage our holistic participation during R&D and non-clinical stages of device development. Within the scope of these agreements, CAE contributes to:

Intricacies in the geometric features of some medical devices present challenges to generic CAD and meshing programs which occasionally fail to produce good FEA models. One of CAE's unique services has been the development of low-cost meshing tools with parametric features that allow the creation of healthy and contiguous meshes.

Some clients elect to make use of benefits afforded by CAE's VnV or “go-no-go” service. CAE is retained as a third party test lab rather than a participant in the R&D team. In this mode of interaction, CAE offers analysis services leading to the computation of structural and fatigue performance characterization of medical devices. Special customer needs have also lead to agreements that combined features of both of the above modes of collaboration.

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