
Evangelos Elefheriou: Dr. Evangelos Elefheriou is CAE's founder and principal. He holds a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on continuum mechanics. During his 18-year academic career in the United States, he has completed a multitude of projects meeting the needs of private and public institutions. You can request a copy of his academic CV by adding a comment in the contact form. For a history of collaborations and for listings of websites with academic and research activities click here Eleftheriou-search.

Kypros Economides: Mr. Kypros Economides is CAE's computer engineer and the architect of the company's custom engineering software. He holds a Masters in Computer Engineering with an emphasis in communications and software design. His past experience includes participation on several research teams at the University of Cyprus and the University of Patras and engineering and leadership positions in private telecommunications companies. He also completed one-year terms at the Research Promotion Foundation in Cyprus as the Computer Engineering Division's Officer and National Point of Contact for the EU-28 Information and Communication Technologies Programme.

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