ATHLON -The Miniature Geothermal System Implemented in Highly Efficient Hot Water Heaters

  To Purchase and/or Schedule an Installation

Please call A-Z Save Energy Systems, Ltd


+357 2276 3684 

Benefits of the ATHLON System:

      1)  Electrically powered just like your familiar resistance elements,

2)  Coefficient of Performance (Heat added to your hot water per KWhr electricity consumed) is above 400%,

3)  Uses your existing cold water storage tank as a source of energy,

4) Your cold water in the storage tank cools down slightly,

5) Thermostatic controller with 7-day, 14-period programming, allows you to economize energy even further,

6) The system can be manufactured in two standard sizes to meet domestic needs, or custom sized for exceptional installations.


Credits to our Research Sponsors: (Coordinator, Cyprus' Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry, and Tourism):


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